When you follow the way that leads to your destiny there are always some barricades. If a path is so smooth without temptations and challenges it’s because it probably leads to nowhere. . Once t enemy sees you on motion going to the place of your destiny, he begins to set road blocks, and obstructions to make sure you don’t get there. You need to discover them to be able to avoid them
1. Sin
The first attack the enemies launch on your way is sin. Sin sinks destiny. It sinks great dreams and visions. One of the things that can make us stoppable is sin against God. The devil knows that once he can introduce sin into your life then he can stop you. The number one threat of man is not the devil but sin. Once we open the door to sin the devil automatically gains influence. Sin turns a giant into a piece of bread; it has buried many great destinies in the graveyard of life. Many have sunk in the ocean of life. Sin can stop the swiftest man; it can weakens the strongest and ridicules the wisest man. If you don’t believe me ask Samson.
Sin causes an internal defect and defeat, it makes a man’s courage to be deflated. I am not saying that we are not going to make some mistakes or fall into some sins as we grow. But you must be wise to repent and call for forgiveness. First John 2:1-2 enjoins: My little children, these things I write to you, so that you may not sin. And if anyone sins, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous. 2 And He Himself is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only but also for the whole world.
2. Sexual Immorality
Proverbs 6:26 – 27
This is the most versatile, proficient, resourceful and efficient weapon of Satan against youths today. He often uses this weapon in stopping and burying great destinies. There is no other weapon that is more successful in the hand of the enemy than sexual immorality. In many places in the world today, sexual immorality takes many shapes and many names. Some people refer to immoral sex as enjoyment, siesta, motivator, and proof of belonging and so on. It is as casual as breakfast in the society today.
Sexual immorality takes different shapes, ranging from pornography, fornication, homosexuality, gay, masturbation, bestiality, lesbianism, incest and some other forms. Today pornographic pictures just pop up on your internet page at any time.
3. Fear
Fear qualifies you to be a prey to the enemy. The enemy often tries to make you focus on all the bad and terrible things that are going on around you; he makes sure you hear them in your news, they make the headlines of popular newspapers and magazines, these are all the enemy’s strategies to get fear into you. He makes sure that you do not see how big your God is, while all you can see are the predicaments surrounding you, such that even when you get on your knees to pray all you can do is to complain and express your fears to Him. Fear qualifies you to be a prey to the enemy, faith qualifies you to be a praise to your generation. What characterized the last days are wars, rumours of war, pestilence, civil unrest, accidents, plane crashes, landslides, earthquakes and hurricanes, rise of the anti-Christ and all sorts that can make the strongest of men shiver like a baby, but God wants you to see how great He is, not how great the problem is.
Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand. (Isaiah 41:10)
Entering your promised land, fulfilling your destiny and doing exploits in this generation requires that your faith rises far above your fears.
….. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." (Joshua 1; 9)
There will always be reasons to fear but faith ignores them and forges ahead. The Sprit of God is the spirit of faith (power, love and sound mind); the spirit of satan is the spirit of fear (intimidation, low self-esteem and terror). So, which spirit lives in you? The Spirit of the Father is the Spirit of boldness and He has given all His genuine sons and daughters this spirit.
4. Laziness
Laziness is one major reason why many do not succeed. Lazy people reduce great things to nothing, hard workers increase nothing to great things. Lazy people wait for great things to happen, hardworking people work with the little they have and make it great. You can’t be lazy and be unstoppable. Hard workers make things happen, lazy people watch things happen and also wonder what is happening. Lazy people never accomplish any great feat, they are always spectators. You can’t be lazy and be successful at the same time
Laziness is a journey and poverty is its destination. If you travel on the flight of laziness you will soon land on the tarmac of poverty.To a lazy bone even if he is given a city, he will soon turn it into a dunghill. (Proverbs 19:24 Message).
5. Excuse
Lazy people are excuse makers. One of the chief characteristics of lazy people is that they like making excuses. They give excuses on why they couldn’t succeed, why they could not make it. They blame people, the government, their parents, and their teachers for their failure. Nobody on earth has any excuse to fail; God will not accept excuses from any man no matter how genuine it may seems to be. Excuse excludes you from greatness. Anytime you make an excuse, opportunity flies away from you and lands on people who won’t make excuses. Somebody who has a great business idea may excuse himself saying I don’t have enough money to start. Reasons for excuses are not real, you have to make up.
Excuse givers are ungrateful people, they are ingrates and unthankful people because they focus on what they do not have rather than what they have.
6. Procrastination
Another characteristic of a lazy person is procrastination, lazy people always postpone, they are procrastinators. A lazy man procrastinates until it is too late to do anything at all. Procrastination is a thief of time, it is said. They are never determined to do anything NOW. Their right time is tomorrow. Procrastination means to act later than planned, scheduled, and required or to delay an action needlessly or to be habitually careless in life.
Procrastinators postpone everything; when the time comes they postpone again, little wonder their time of greatness never comes. Procrastinators wait for the future, not knowing that a little part of it comes and passes every day. They push things to the future unknown to them that the future is determined today. You can only buy the future with what you have today.
7. Ignorance.
Knowing is everything in becoming successful in life. It is fondly said that if you are not informed you will be deformed. It may look like a mere quotable quote but it’s the chief truth, backed up by Hosea 4:6. “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” Note that we are not just talking about the knowledge you know, but about “knowing” that is, continuous, consistent upgrading of new knowledge on the old ones. It is another thing to know.
There Is No Mountain Anywhere, Every Man’s Ignorance Is His Mountain ~Norman Vincent Peale
Ignorance is not the lack of knowledge, but ignoring the knowledge. Nobody can say he doesn’t have access to knowledge (of any kind), even the spiritual knowledge isn’t scarce to find. Proverbs 8:1 – 4, Proverbs 1:20. Ignoring the truth is what is called ignorance.
Bishop Oyedepo always says that ignorance can only be treated in the school of wisdom. Ignorance is a disease, it kills but the good news is that it has a cure. The cure for ignorance is knowledge. 2Tim 3:16. Not just knowledge, you don’t become totally free from ignorance until you are able to apply it – wisdom. Wisdom is the complete dose for ignorance. Wisdom is not just local intelligence, it is in spiritual intelligence plus emotional intelligence, plus intellectual intelligence equal to wisdom.
When you follow the way that leads to your destiny there are always some barricades. If a path is so smooth without temptations and challenges it’s because it probably leads to nowhere. . Once t enemy sees you on motion going to the place of your destiny, he begins to set road blocks, and obstructions to make sure you don’t get there. You need to discover them to be able to avoid them
1. Sin
The first attack the enemies launch on your way is sin. Sin sinks destiny. It sinks great dreams and visions. One of the things that can make us stoppable is sin against God. The devil knows that once he can introduce sin into your life then he can stop you. The number one threat of man is not the devil but sin. Once we open the door to sin the devil automatically gains influence. Sin turns a giant into a piece of bread; it has buried many great destinies in the graveyard of life. Many have sunk in the ocean of life. Sin can stop the swiftest man; it can weakens the strongest and ridicules the wisest man. If you don’t believe me ask Samson.
Sin causes an internal defect and defeat, it makes a man’s courage to be deflated. I am not saying that we are not going to make some mistakes or fall into some sins as we grow. But you must be wise to repent and call for forgiveness. First John 2:1-2 enjoins: My little children, these things I write to you, so that you may not sin. And if anyone sins, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous. 2 And He Himself is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only but also for the whole world.
2. Sexual Immorality
Proverbs 6:26 – 27
This is the most versatile, proficient, resourceful and efficient weapon of Satan against youths today. He often uses this weapon in stopping and burying great destinies. There is no other weapon that is more successful in the hand of the enemy than sexual immorality. In many places in the world today, sexual immorality takes many shapes and many names. Some people refer to immoral sex as enjoyment, siesta, motivator, and proof of belonging and so on. It is as casual as breakfast in the society today.
Sexual immorality takes different shapes, ranging from pornography, fornication, homosexuality, gay, masturbation, bestiality, lesbianism, incest and some other forms. Today pornographic pictures just pop up on your internet page at any time.
3. Fear
Fear qualifies you to be a prey to the enemy. The enemy often tries to make you focus on all the bad and terrible things that are going on around you; he makes sure you hear them in your news, they make the headlines of popular newspapers and magazines, these are all the enemy’s strategies to get fear into you. He makes sure that you do not see how big your God is, while all you can see are the predicaments surrounding you, such that even when you get on your knees to pray all you can do is to complain and express your fears to Him. Fear qualifies you to be a prey to the enemy, faith qualifies you to be a praise to your generation. What characterized the last days are wars, rumours of war, pestilence, civil unrest, accidents, plane crashes, landslides, earthquakes and hurricanes, rise of the anti-Christ and all sorts that can make the strongest of men shiver like a baby, but God wants you to see how great He is, not how great the problem is.
Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand. (Isaiah 41:10)
Entering your promised land, fulfilling your destiny and doing exploits in this generation requires that your faith rises far above your fears.
….. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." (Joshua 1; 9)
There will always be reasons to fear but faith ignores them and forges ahead. The Sprit of God is the spirit of faith (power, love and sound mind); the spirit of satan is the spirit of fear (intimidation, low self-esteem and terror). So, which spirit lives in you? The Spirit of the Father is the Spirit of boldness and He has given all His genuine sons and daughters this spirit.
4. Laziness
Laziness is one major reason why many do not succeed. Lazy people reduce great things to nothing, hard workers increase nothing to great things. Lazy people wait for great things to happen, hardworking people work with the little they have and make it great. You can’t be lazy and be unstoppable. Hard workers make things happen, lazy people watch things happen and also wonder what is happening. Lazy people never accomplish any great feat, they are always spectators. You can’t be lazy and be successful at the same time
Laziness is a journey and poverty is its destination. If you travel on the flight of laziness you will soon land on the tarmac of poverty.To a lazy bone even if he is given a city, he will soon turn it into a dunghill. (Proverbs 19:24 Message).
5. Excuse
Lazy people are excuse makers. One of the chief characteristics of lazy people is that they like making excuses. They give excuses on why they couldn’t succeed, why they could not make it. They blame people, the government, their parents, and their teachers for their failure. Nobody on earth has any excuse to fail; God will not accept excuses from any man no matter how genuine it may seems to be. Excuse excludes you from greatness. Anytime you make an excuse, opportunity flies away from you and lands on people who won’t make excuses. Somebody who has a great business idea may excuse himself saying I don’t have enough money to start. Reasons for excuses are not real, you have to make up.
Excuse givers are ungrateful people, they are ingrates and unthankful people because they focus on what they do not have rather than what they have.
6. Procrastination
Another characteristic of a lazy person is procrastination, lazy people always postpone, they are procrastinators. A lazy man procrastinates until it is too late to do anything at all. Procrastination is a thief of time, it is said. They are never determined to do anything NOW. Their right time is tomorrow. Procrastination means to act later than planned, scheduled, and required or to delay an action needlessly or to be habitually careless in life.
Procrastinators postpone everything; when the time comes they postpone again, little wonder their time of greatness never comes. Procrastinators wait for the future, not knowing that a little part of it comes and passes every day. They push things to the future unknown to them that the future is determined today. You can only buy the future with what you have today.
7. Ignorance.
Knowing is everything in becoming successful in life. It is fondly said that if you are not informed you will be deformed. It may look like a mere quotable quote but it’s the chief truth, backed up by Hosea 4:6. “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” Note that we are not just talking about the knowledge you know, but about “knowing” that is, continuous, consistent upgrading of new knowledge on the old ones. It is another thing to know.
There Is No Mountain Anywhere, Every Man’s Ignorance Is His Mountain ~Norman Vincent Peale
Ignorance is not the lack of knowledge, but ignoring the knowledge. Nobody can say he doesn’t have access to knowledge (of any kind), even the spiritual knowledge isn’t scarce to find. Proverbs 8:1 – 4, Proverbs 1:20. Ignoring the truth is what is called ignorance.
Bishop Oyedepo always says that ignorance can only be treated in the school of wisdom. Ignorance is a disease, it kills but the good news is that it has a cure. The cure for ignorance is knowledge. 2Tim 3:16. Not just knowledge, you don’t become totally free from ignorance until you are able to apply it – wisdom. Wisdom is the complete dose for ignorance. Wisdom is not just local intelligence, it is in spiritual intelligence plus emotional intelligence, plus intellectual intelligence equal to wisdom.
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