For believers who wants to grow spiritually, prayer is not just an activity, it's a life. Against popular opinion prayer is not a tool we employ when we are in trouble, it’s a lifestyle that keep trouble out of your life permanently.  To live a victorious and ever-growing Christian life, prayer is an inevitable adventure.
A man that is defeated in the  place of prayer cannot win in the game of life. Your success in life is proportional to your prayer life.
Unfortunately, many believer see prayer as a wearisome and uninteresting adventure. So we hardly engage in it. For some, it has not deliver to them their expected dividends.  Could it be that you have wrongly approached it. Here are 5 SIMPLE BUT POWERFUL PRINCIPLES OF EFFECTIVE PRAYER that will help your spiritual growth
1.Prayer is a call to fellowship.
Many pray only when they have a problem,have a request, or complaint.  No. PRAYER is a call to fellowship with the father.

While there is nothing wrong in presenting your problems to God, you must know that God rather want to have a communion with you.  Fellowshiping with God keeps problem away from you. The Holy spirit can only relate with us by fellowship.

2.The Major Aspect of Prayer is Meditation. 
“Come now, and let us reason together,” Says the Lord, Isaiah 1:18
The most important aspect of prayer is Meditation. This is often not observed. God wants to reason with us. He gave us his mind ( 1Cor 2:16) so that we can think like him and with him. Most Christians just come and give God series of instructions and they never wait for God to speak. They cry “God speak to me”  yet they run when they are done talking, never to allow God to speak.

Effective prayer must include deep scriptural meditations. Spend more time reasoning with God than talking. It is said that whenever your mouth is opened you are not learning.

Related Post: 4 Laws of Fulfilling Your Destiny 

3.God Aswered Your Prayer by Giving You Instructions.
Take firm hold of instruction, do not let go; Keep her, for she is your life.-Proverbs 4:13
All answered prayers in the bible are series of instructions. God want to instruct you in his ways.
Elijah gave the woman series of instructions
God gave Moses series of instructions
Jesus gave Peter series of instruction.
Your answer prayer will be inform of instructions you must listen attentively to those instructions.

4.Answered Prayers always Put A Responsibility on You.
When you receive God's instruction it will always give you a responsibility to carry on. God always want us to be involved in the process of our miracles. Many believers are too lazy to do their own part of the bargain.
For Peter to catch multitude of fishes he has to throw his nets
For the woman to receive overflowing oil, she had to go borrow vessels
For Noah to be saved, he has to build an arch
For Jesus to feed 5000 men someone had to bring the bread and fish
For the red sea to part, Moses had to lift up his rod.
Do your path,  God had done I’m his path.

5.God Doesn't Respond to Emotion But to Faith
Some believers think;
If I can just cry enough
If I can just shout louder
If I can just get God to pity me

Well sorry, God doesn't respond to pity party.  It is your Faith that move God not your tears.

But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind. For let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways. James 1:6-7
Even Jesus couldn't do much miracles on Jerusalem because they lack Faith. 
When you pray pray in faith.

This week May God honour your prayer and bless you greatly.

Juwon Owolabi.


  1. Amennnnnn...🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏..... I'll never halt praying in faith... Emotions doesn't move God....thank you sir....


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