See this New Post. It's a must-to-read
The life of a leader from afar seems to be a lovely, rosy and problem free one. Many who desire leadership positions are only attracted to it because of the funfair, fame, rewards, respect and popularity attached to it.
They only see the glory but not the story
They see the harvest but not the seed
They see the prize but missed the price
They can see the product but not the process
If you aspire to be a leader or you are already leading in any capacity there are things you must expect. If you are not experiencing it already, I can assure you, you will experience them. Expect them so that you can prepare for them when they come. Let’s see what they are;
To criticize is to express disapproval of someone or something. As a leader you will be criticized, but that’s not the bad news, the bad news is that, it may be by close friends, relative or your followers. When you make your mark you will always attract erasers.
John Mason said “Criticism is the price you pay for leaping past mediocrity.
A true leader must be able to live above people’s opinions, approval or disapproval.
Many leaders like Saul fell into this temptation by attempting to please men. Only God’s approval matters, when you stay with God long enough people who criticise you will have no choice but to approve you.
Response: Be Positive and Focus on God’s Approval
Jesus-the greatest leader that ever walked the face of the earth, on several occasions reiterated this truth to his zealous disciples
Luke 21:12: But before all these things, they will lay their hands on you and persecute you, delivering you up to the synagogues and prisons.
Every worthy vision attracts persecution. When you attempt to make any significant change persecution will show up. There is no one great leaders both in the Bible and in our contemporary time that didn’t go through persecution.
Any vision without persecution is not worth pursuing.
The disciples of Jesus were greatly persecuted. Martin Luther King faced great persecution from the church during the reformation period. Martin Luther King Jnr, Mahatma Ghandi, Abraham Lincoln, Nelson Mandela to mention but a few went through unspeakable persecution leading their people. Persecution and suffering walks together. It can come from the church, family, society, government or any quarter. Expect it, it will surely show up on your way to leadership.
Response: Rejoice and Focus on the Vision and Reward.
Every Pastors and ministers must expect ingratitude. You must have experienced it if you work as a minister. Even Jesus encountered this attitude from men. At a particular time, He healed 10 lepers but only one came to say thank you. The people who are most ungrateful are people you almost killed yourself helping. At times, people don’t see a leader’s help as a privilege but as a right.
As a leader, never expect that the people you helped will appreciate you. Most times they will pay you with evil
Am sure Moses understood this fact. He killed an Egyptian in an attempt to help his fellow Hebrew man. Thinking he would be seen as a hero, the next day he was called a murderer.
Don’t expect that every good you do will be appreciated. A leader must learn to look to God for his reward not people. You will meet and lead a lot of ungrateful people as a leader.
Response: Do all things as Unto the Lord & Be Happy to Always Help People.
As a leader you will not only be criticised, people will speak ill against you. They will cook lies against you.
Luke 6:26: Woe to you when all men speak well of you, for so did their fathers to the false prophets.
If everybody is singing your praise and nobody is speaking evil of you, it’s a sign that you are on the wrong path. This has personally happened to me. People will confidently confront you with lies just to destroy your name and legacy. No great leaders will escape this test. At times, your enemies will deliberately set traps for you to fall into. You must be careful.
Your words will be twisted
Your good intentions will be misinterpreted. Your actions may be misunderstood
Many leaders have sank under the storm of lies. Especially in this times of social media.
Lies travel faster than truth. But the truth always overtake.
No matter how long a lie may live, truth always outlive a lie. A leader should not hastily respond to lies.
When ordinary people lies about a leader, it’s just a blog. But when the leader respond, it’s a press conference.
This is what leaders does-solve problems. Once you are called a leader, your life begins to magnetize problems, a lot of them for that matter. If you are not solving any problem, you are not a leader.
Moses confronted Pharaoh
Joseph confronted the famine
David confronted Goliath.
Gideon confronted the Midianites
Mandela confronted Apartheid
Problems are what necessitated leadership
People begin to see you as the solution to all their life’s problem. Especially if you are Pastor, they see you as their;
If you are not careful, it is easy to take the place of God in people’s life as a minister.
Leaders see problems differently from followers.
They see opportunities, improvements and testimonies in challenges. They do not run away from obstacles they run towards them like David. As a leader you must expect and prepare for problems, whether you invite them or not, they will always show up.
Response: Solve it
As a dutiful leader you deserved to be rewarded, therefore, expect your reward to come.
1 Tim 5:17-18: Let the elders who rule well be counted worthy of double honour, especially those who labour in the word and doctrine. For the Scripture says, "You shall not muzzle an ox while it treads out the grain," and the labourer is worthy of his wages.
Every leader who have experienced all these predicaments qualifies for gold. Jesus assured his disciples “I tell you the truth," Jesus said to them, "no one who has left home or wife or brothers or parents or children for the sake of the kingdom of God 30 will fail to receive many times as much in this age and, in the age to come, eternal life." Luke 18:29-30"
But to get to this 6th experience you must first experience the first five. A leader who cannot endure the first five often lose their reward.
Response: Enjoy it
Every leader must be prepared to experience this six things. You will not be disappointed when you see them happening. It will help you to better prepare for them.
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