There are various categories of people in the world. Some categorize people into:
Rich and  Poor
Aristocrats and Commoners
Leaders and Followers
Believers and Infidels/Gentiles/Unbelievers
Great and the Lowly
Just to mention a few. 

However, in this post I would categorize people into  PLAYERS and SPECTATORS. Whether you are in business, banking, politics, ministry, entertainment, photography, engineering, medicine, law, education, government or whatever you’re into. You are either a player or a spectator. Here is how to know which category you belong.

Either in the game of football, tennis, cricket, or any other game, spectators are always 99.9% while the players are just 0.01%. If you are among the crowd, sorry you are a spectator. If you are part of the majority, you are still a spectator. If you are part of the normal people you’re a spectator. Let me show you quickly some distinguishing characteristics between players and spectators.

1. Players Make Things Happen, Spectators Watch What is Happening
Players are always the ones doing things while others watch what they do. They provide the service you pay for it. They play the game, you buy a ticket to watch. They perform, you come to watch and clap. 
The people that run things are the players. They determine the course of the game. Spectators just flow with the flow.

Are You a Player or a spectator?

Related Post: The Power of One Man

2. Players Are Business-Minded Spectators Are Fun-Minded
Players are concerned with creating business opportunities from what they do. Spectators are concerned with fun and entertainment. For instance, in football, for players, every match is business and they are heavily paid. Spectators never get any business done, it just a time for fun and enjoyment. They never get paid for watching. You never get paid for what you watch happen but for what you make happen.

Are You a Player or a spectator?

3. Players Are Committed To Their Own Business, Spectators Are Committed To The Players Business.

Players mind their own business, they commit time, energy and resources to their own business while spectators commit their time, energy and resources to other people’s business.

Are You a Player or a spectator?

4. Players Stand-Out in the Crowd, Spectators sit in the Crowd

The seat of the players are always in the front. They have a special place they seat, dress, live, eat and play. You don’t see them everywhere. Spectators are always in the crowd. They are lost in the multitude. They sit, live and play where everybody is. 

Are You a Player or a spectator?

5. Players see the Game as a Battle Spectators see it a Sport

Every player coming to the field of play comes with the mind-set that they are on a battle field. They know it’s;
Kill or be killed
Eat or be eaten
Run or be caught
Win or lose.

So they came determined to give all it takes to win. Spectators are indifferent to this mind-set. They just go through life carefree.

Are you are Player or a spectator?

6. Players Prepare Before the Match, Spectators Just Show Up to Watch the match.

Players are the ones that plan and prepare to win in the battle of life. They are disciplined, with their resources and time. They spend hours, days, weeks, and months, years practicing and rehearsing like Michael Jordan before they show up on the field of play. Spectators just dress up and go to watch. 

Are You a Player or a spectator?

Related Post: 4 Laws of Fulfilling Your Destiny
7. Players are Rewarded While Spectators Beat Themselves.

Some die-hard ignorant fans beat up themselves and some even dying in the process, millions of dollars roll into the account of the players. The spectators make nothing yet they fight over nothing. 

Are You a Player or a spectator?

8. Players are Endorsed and Sponsored Spectators Lose All

Great companies, industries and corporation always sponsor and endorse good players. They make them ambassadors of their brand paying them millions of dollars. However spectators are get nothing from watching.

Are You a Player or a spectator?

9. Players are Awarded Spectators Vote for them. 

Outstanding players are always recognized for their efforts. In games like football, there are awards at the end of every seasons;
Player of the Year
Goalkeeper of the year
Highest goal scorer of the year
Best assist…
Best goal…
Best team,
Have you ever heard of spectator of the year?
Are you are Player or a spectator?

In conclusion, all players were once spectators
Teachers were once students
Professional were once amateurs
Successful people were once failures
Masters were once apprentices. 
In my next post I will show you how you can navigate from being a spectator to being an outstanding player in life. 

Juwon Owolabi


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