
Showing posts from September, 2017


Life responds to principles not emotions. Success responds to keys not pleads. to succeed and be fulfilled in life God has put some laws in place, applying those laws is what guarantees your fulfillment in destiny. in this post, i want to briefly share with you 4 laws of fulfilling your great destiny. LAW 1# MAKE A DISCOVERY The law state that whatever you don’t discover you can’t deliver. Discovering your true identity is germane to fulfilling your destiny Nothing is truly yours until you discover it. Why must you discover you? ·           A lost identity is a lost life, a lost life is a lost potential, lost ability and a lost destiny. ·           Your vision in life creates your expectations in life, your view of life determines your values in life, your definition of life determines your destination in life. ·         ...


In life nothing is impossible , the only thing that is impossible is what you make impossible. The word itself says I’m possible. Whatever you need to do, do it. Whatever it takes to do it, get it done. Difficult does not mean impossible, it means you need to work smarter. You’ve got unlimited potential to accomplish whatever your dream is. There is so much energy in you. You may have failed many times, but that doesn’t define you a failure, you may have been disappointed but that doesn’t make you a disappointment. You are created to succeed. Your dream is bigger than your reality. You don’t need everybody to approve your dream. Your dream is given to you not to them. Take responsibility for your dream. In life nothing is impossible, the only thing that is impossible is what you make impossible. What are you supposed to do? What business do you need to start? What song do you need to sing? What technology do you need to invent? What organization do you need to start? What c...