Life responds to principles not emotions. Success responds to keys not pleads. to succeed and be fulfilled in life God has put some laws in place, applying those laws is what guarantees your fulfillment in destiny. in this post, i want to briefly share with you 4 laws of fulfilling your great destiny.
The law state that whatever you don’t discover you can’t deliver.
Discovering your true identity is germane to fulfilling your destiny
Nothing is truly yours until you discover it. Why must you discover you?
· A lost identity is a lost life, a lost life is a lost potential, lost ability and a lost destiny.
· Your vision in life creates your expectations in life, your view of life determines your values in life, your definition of life determines your destination in life.
· Your identity is not your name, job, colour, position or nationality but your inherent nature.
· Hidden in your identity are your potentials, abilities, gifts, skills and purpose. Until you discover your identity, they are lost forever.
· Your identity determines your association. Birds of a feather flock together.
· True identity is found in God. Until you see your reflection through God’s word, your real identity is unknown. 1Cor 3:18, Jn 3:2
· It is not who you are that matters but who you think you are. The way you see your life shapes your life. Ps 82:6
The law of planning states that quality of your planning will determine the quality of your flying in life.
Any enterprise is built by wise planning, becomes strong through common sense, and profits wonderfully by keeping abreast of the facts. Prov 24:3
Having a plan may not always guarantee your success, but not having one will surely guarantee your failure. Lack of planning contribute 95% to our failures in life.
If you are building a hot you may not need a plan, if you are building a bungalow you need a shallow plan but to build a tower you need deep planning. Success is not an accident, it is a result of a well thought planning. If you don’t plan your life, others will plan it for you.
A plan is a predetermined strategy for intentional progress towards a purpose or destiny.
Goals are integrated part of a plan that promotes the fulfillment of your plan.
6 Keys to Planning
· Determine your destination.
· Identify and establish your goals
· Prioritize your goals
· Discipline yourself to follow your goals
· Protect your goals
· Plan must be flexible
Lk 14:28-30
The law states that the quality of your preparation will determine the quality of your performance in life.
Champion are not made in the public, they are only revealed there. Your training in the private will guarantee your success in the public. The quality of your destiny will also determine the quality of preparation you need.
A great destiny with no preparation equals no result
A great destiny with little preparation equals little result
A little destiny with outstanding preparation equal a great result
A great destiny with great preparation equals an outstanding result
All you need to do to be among the 1% in your field is to dedicate 10000 hours practicing in that field.
Poor preparation they say, precedes poor performance. So also proper preparation prevent poor performance in life.
Prov 30:25 The ants are a people not strong, Yet they prepare their food in the summer;
Preparation comes before manifestation. If you don’t prepare you can’t appearSuccess is when preparation meet opportunity. Every great athletes, musician, businessperson or even preacher have invested thousands of hours preparing.
The law states that values you prioritize is directly proportional to the success you experience.
In priority 3 key words are important
1. Importance: there are many important thing but which one is most important to you. The amount of resources you allocate to a thing should be proportionate to their importance to you;
2. Relevance: what determine what is relevant to you is your purpose. How relevant is it to your destiny and you ultimate goal.
3. Urgency (time): What is important at a time may be unimportant at another time. Purpose determine timing. Is it urgent? Or can it wait?
3 Things that Reveals Your Priority
1. What you spend your time Doing?
2. What do you spend your money on?
3. What do you think about? Whatever controls your mind controls your life.
If you want to succeed you must re-order your priorities to suit your goals in life
If you want to succeed you must re-order your priorities to suit your goals in life
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