
Showing posts from December, 2017


MAXIMIZE 2018 with Juwon Owolabi Every Year is strategic and it must be strategically approached to MAXI-MINE the TREASURES it carries. The best way to predict the future is to design it.  You must DESIGN  your  MASTER-PLAN to drive your VISION and a GROUND-PLAN for a high flight in 2018. We will be learning how to PLAN  and PREPARE effectively for 2018 We will be sharing ideas, secrets and best practices on: 1. TIME MANAGEMENT • How to best INVEST your TIME. • What you should best INVEST your time in • How to PRIORITIZE your TIME for optimum productivity. • How to identify and ELIMINATE time WASTER • How to be in CONTROL of your OWN TIME 2. GOAL SETTING Progress in life is impossible without goals. Your ability to set goals in 2018 will determine how far  and fast you will go. You will learn: • How to set strategic SMART  Goals in 2018 • Simple ways to write your VISION down and divide them into achievable goals. •...
IN CASE YOU MISS THIS… Here are some of the points that was noted during the UNSTOPPABLE LEADERSHIP SUMMIT Theme “LEAD UP” The summit elucidated the need for Leadership as follow: THE BURDEN OF LEADERSHIP Everything stands or falls on leadership. The crises of the world today is traceable to the crises in leadership. Fix leadership all other thing will be fixed. 1. Nothing Happens without leadership: leadership set the pace in government, they starts businesses, make scientific discoveries, medical breakthrough, philosophical ideas that shapes human society. 2. Nothing Succeeds Without Leadership: leaders determines whether a project, task, or undertakings succeeds or fails. 3. Nothing is Altered or Transformed without Leadership: leadership initiate great changes, it also manage changes that occurs both in church organizations and society. 4. Nothing Develops Without Leadership: leadership takes initiative for new developments and setting new standar...