In the first part of this post, I discussed with you why habit is important to a successful life. We also discussed the meaning of habit, the fact that habits can be replace and seven (7) simple but powerful steps to replace bad habits with great ones. If you miss the part 1 you can read it here

In this post, I will be discussing ten (10) important habits you must cultivate in 2018 to make it your best year so far. If you can cultivate 70% of these habits, I can assure you of a productive 2018.  So let’s begin:

1. Meditation
Everything start with the mind. Mediation is the process of mining the treasures of the heart.  Create time every day to meditate. This is an everyday practice of successful people. Most Africans find it difficult to sit down and just think. Some consider it  a lazy man venture. But a time of meditation is not a wasted time, it's investment time.
Creative ideas flows like a current during this practice. 
It helps you to see things from a deeper dimension than an average person. Meditate on God’s word, think through your goals and plans and think before you make decision. Think so that you don’t stink.

2. Prayer and Fasting
This is a spirit, soul and body exercise. To be at your best you need to keep a constant communion with God.
Prayer helps you to know God’s mind and fasting keeps your flesh in check.
 The combination of these two make your spirit and mind alert. Fast at least once a week but pray every day. It helps you to constantly connect with the divine to command the supernatural. Pray without season this year.


3. Reading &Writing
This is one of the best habits that will transform you radically. Make reading your habit in 2018. Read wide beyond your discipline. A book a month may be a good place to start.
Reading will deepen your thoughts, broadens your mind and heightens your horizon. 
Most importantly, study the scripture, read anointed, inspirational, transformational and motivational books.
Don't just read, be a writer. Not your thoughts and inspirations. Make sure you have a notepad with you everytime.

4. Exercise Regularly
If you have a big destiny and a long term goals, then, you need to take care of your body because you are going to need it.
A sick body cannot carry a smart mind. 
You need both to be effective and perform at your best. Whether you are 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 or 70 years old, always have a regular time of exercise. I advise three times a week, either early morning or evening.

5. Rise Up Early
One thing that’s common to many successful people I studied is that they are early risers. You are likely to get more done within the early hours of the day than the whole day. Distractions are eliminated, assimilation is easier and ideas flows unhindered in the early hours of the day. So, wake up earlier. However, if you are over fifty you may need to sleep more.

6. Smiling & Gratitude
The world is filled with so many unpleasant situations and encounters. Many people go about with anger, hurts, bitterness and hatred. So many disappointments and sorrows, but always remember that you need the right emotions to get ahead in life. Cultivating a happy smiling habits will help you overcome the negativity of life. You can’t be smiling and angry at the same time.
No matter how expensive what you put on is, until you wear a cool smile you are naked. 
When you focus on the positive side of life, you will be full of gratitude in life. Be positive, be optimistic and be hopeful.

7. Eat Healthy
Another way to live a healthy life in 2018 and beyond is to eat well. Here are some suggestions: eat a lot of vegetables, stay away from too much sugar, avoid eating late and drink a lot of clean water. My wife always ask me "have you drink water today?" According to research 80% of sickness can be attributed to bad eating habits. It is also a fact that most illness can be corrected simply by eating the right food the right time.

8. Save
To attain financial freedom you must cultivate the habits of saving. Only a fool spend all he/she makes. You must save first and spend the rest. Delaying instant gratification is the key to securing a better future. One of the benefits of saving is that it promote self-accountability and discipline.

9. Generosity
Being generous is a common habit of great people. It’s not about having much, it giving much from the little you have.
Successful people make it a habit to add value to others. 
Being generous is not limited to giving money alone. You can give values, information, kindness, help, skill, encouragement, mercy and love. Don’t just be generous to people that are deserving, extend it to seemingly “undeserving” people. Remember there is nothing you have thatwas not recieved.

10. Take Risk
You can’t be successful without taking risk. In Christianity, we called it faith.  You cannot wait until all the coasts are clear, you can't delay some action till you are 100% sure.
You must be able to take dangerous risk to make notable progress.
After doing your own bit, you must be able to trust God with the rest. Success is for those who are ready to take a step even when they can’t see the next, people who can take the leap even in the dark. 

I pray for you that this year will be the best year for you so far.
God will start a new thing with your life and business.
You are anointed and empowered for impact.
Get ready, be exited, it’s your time & turn.

Join me this Saturday 13th at Royal Pavilion Hotels & Suite. No 5 Bode Mustapha road, olokemeji, GRA Ibara,Abeokuta. 
2pm promt. 
For more info, visit:

Thank you.
Remain Empowered 
Juwon Owolabi


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