I welcome you to the month of February. I trust January has been an amazing month for you.

Incase you missed the strategic meeting we had in January, here are some of the notes taken to help you. 
However, here is another opportunity you don't want to miss. 
join me on WhatsApp on 7th - 10th of February for another session on MAXIMIZE 2018.

Time 5am & 8pm daily.
Follow this link to join my WhatsApp group:

Here is also the links of some captured moments at our last meeting. Follow these links to view:



There two kinds of people here today

1.      Those who will hear

2.      Those who came to listen

Hearing is the bodily ability to observe sound.

Listening is the mental capacity to process and interpret information in a way that is applicable and rewardable.

Which one are you?

There are 5 Reasons People Don’t Learn or Change

1.      Ego (over-inflated self-importance)

2.      Stubbornness (Knowing the truth but refusing to accept it)

3.      Arrogance/Pride (calling yourself what you are not

4.      Intelligence (what stop many in life is not what they don’t know, but what they know that is not true. Nothing is more frustrating than Wrong education.)

5.      Experience

Knowledge is Key.

What will determines whether you fail or succeed in knowledge not information.

People always make the mistake of going after money, connection and resources. Knowledge is the priority.

Prov 24:4-5: By knowledge the rooms are filled with all precious and pleasant riches. A wise man is strong, yes, a man of knowledge increases strength;

3 Levels of knowledge that Create a Significant Life

1.      Revelational  Knowledge

It is in God’s word thst you discover o your true identity, capacity and worth

Prov 21:22: A wise man attacks the city of the mighty and pulls down the stronghold in which they trust

Knowledge = strength/power

God blesses and prosper us in knowledge forms. It gives us vision.

Deut 8:18: "And you shall remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you power to get wealth, that He may establish His covenant which He swore to your fathers, as it is this day.

2.      Theoretical Knowledge

It’s the knowledge from school, books that shows you you strategies and principles of accomplishing your vision. Reading is a royal behavior. Kings read. Kings relate with men, God relate with kings. Kings discover and teach men.

3.      Empirical Knowledge

Collective events and activities of the past where an individual draws up opinions and conclusion. Learn from a mentor, you don’t have enough time to make all the mistakes.

0.0 Starts with God. Gen.1:1.

John 15:5: "I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.

God factor is indispensable to your success in 2018.

Matthew 6:33. SEEK first the kingdom of God.

Psalms 37:4-5. Only God has the capacity to bring your dream to pass.

Proverbs 16:9 it's mans responsibility to plan, Gods to establish

Start with God go with God and end with God.

0.1 Discover Yourself.

What is your core? Who are you? What are your core values?

List 3-5 of your most important value

What are your three key principles of life?

What are your value regarding money, work, family, relationship, faith"

What's your picture of an ideal person?

How would you want your biography to be written?

1. Create your vision for 2018.

Vision is your destination in pictures.

Vision is the pictures of the future in the mind

Vision is what is what the eyes cannot see but the heart can feel.

Vision is discovering that ONE THING you are created to do. LK 10:41-42

Vision does not means doing big things. But it means accomplishing unforgettable feat.

Your vision shouldn't revolves round your life and resources.

Though vision deals with future, but your vision is not ahead of you. It's in you.

Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he Proverbs 29:18

Your vision in 2018 must fit into your overall purpose. What's the big picture?

It is what you see that you become. 2Cor 3:18

The Purpose of Vision

1.      Vision preserves or save life. Without vision you are not fit to live.

2.      Vision attracts resources

3.      Vision Determines how resources are dispensed

4.      Vision eliminate distraction

5.      Vision exerts discipline

6.      Vision dictates your decision from several choices

7.      Vision dictates your actions

Visualize Your Future

What is your vision?

3. Goal Setting

“Manu people failed in life, not for lack of ability or brains or even courage, but simply because they have never organized their energies around a goal”- Albert Hubbard

Goals are written visions with strategies and timelines to achieve them.  

Can you imagine a football match without a goal post?

Habakkuk 2Hab 2:2-3

Then the Lord answered me and said:"Write the vision And make it plain on tablets, That he may run who reads it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time; But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it; Because it will surely come, It will not tarry.

Write your goals down

Is empirically proven that only 3% of University of Harvard graduate writes the goals, 13% had goals but not written down, 84% don't have any goals at all maybe they have hope. 10 years later, it was found that the 13% who had unwritten goal are earning twice as much what the 84% earns the 3 % who had written goals 10 times the 97% altogether.

7 Key Areas You Need to Set Goals For.

1.      Spiritual

2.      Financial

3.      Professional/Career

4.      Marital

5.      Academic

6.      Emotional/Psychological

7.      Health


v  SMART Goals

S: Specific, Significant, Stretching, Simple…

M: Measurable, Meaningful, Motivating…

A: Achievable, Attainable, Acceptable…

R: Realistic, Relevant, Rewardable, Result Oriented…

T: Timely, Time-bound, Trackable, Tangible…


P: Purposeful, What’s your ultimate purpose?

I: Inspiring, Are you passionate about it.

P: Personal (but not private) it must be Your goal

B: Believable: It must be your conviction

A: Actionable, Can you act on it?

R: Recorded, Write it down before you start pursuing it.

F: Fulfilling, Are you fulfilled?


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