See this New Post. It's a must-to-read 6 THINGS EVERY LEADERS MUST EXPECT The life of a leader from afar seems to be a lovely, rosy and problem free one. Many who desire leadership positions are only attracted to it because of the funfair, fame, rewards, respect and popularity attached to it. They only see the glory but not the story They see the harvest but not the seed They see the prize but missed the price They can see the product but not the process If you aspire to be a leader or you are already leading in any capacity there are things you must expect. If you are not experiencing it already, I can assure you, you will experience them. Expect them so that you can prepare for them when they come. Let’s see what they are; 1. CRITICISM To criticize is to express disapproval of someone or something. As a leader you will be criticized, but that’s not the bad news, the bad news is that, it may be by close friends, relative or your followers. When you m...