
Showing posts from October, 2017


See this New Post. It's a must-to-read 6 THINGS EVERY LEADERS MUST EXPECT The life of a leader from afar seems to be a lovely, rosy and problem free one. Many who desire leadership positions are only attracted to it because of the funfair, fame, rewards, respect and popularity attached to it. They only see the glory but not the story They see the harvest but not the seed They see the prize but missed the price They can see the product but not the process If you aspire to be a leader or you are already leading in any capacity there are things you must expect. If you are not experiencing it already, I can assure you, you will experience them. Expect them so that you can prepare for them when they come. Let’s see what they are; 1. CRITICISM To criticize is to express disapproval of someone or something. As a leader you will be criticized, but that’s not the bad news, the bad news is that, it may be by close friends, relative or your followers. When you m...


See this New Post. It's a must-to-read Yea…that’s exactly what this post is all about. I want to help you to determine the outcome of your goals, business, academics, church and organization even before you start. Wow…it makes life easy, it makes success predictable. Not just once, but every time you plan to execute any project. In fact, I will advise you never to start a journey you are not sure of its outcome. This is how God operate and functions. He never start anything until he had finished it. God always determines the result before He starts any project. From the very beginning telling you what the ending will be-Isaiah 46:10 (MSG) Only I can tell you the future before it even happens (NLT) God is never caught unawares, nothing ever surprises Him. For instance, God knew man will fall, so, He made Christ died before He ever created earth or man. God created redemption before sin ever came, Solution before the problem ever surfaced, Healing before you ever get ...


There are various categories of people in the world. Some categorize people into: • Rich and  Poor • Aristocrats and Commoners • Leaders and Followers • Believers and Infidels/Gentiles/Unbelievers • Great and the Lowly Just to mention a few.  However, in this post I would categorize people into  PLAYERS and SPECTATORS. Whether you are in business, banking, politics, ministry, entertainment, photography, engineering, medicine, law, education, government or whatever you’re into. You are either a player or a spectator. Here is how to know which category you belong. Either in the game of football, tennis, cricket, or any other game, spectators are always 99.9% while the players are just 0.01%. If you are among the crowd, sorry you are a spectator. If you are part of the majority, you are still a spectator. If you are part of the normal people you’re a spectator. Let me show you quickly some distinguishing characteristics between players and spectators. 1. ...


You are not a minority, you are powerful enough to create the change that the world needs. In my recent visit to Abu Dhabi, my brother and I visited a senior colleague in his exquisite home. He had been in the United Arab Emirates for many years. Then we got talking about Nigeria; how bad the state of the nation is, the terrible and untrustworthy leadership, the failed government, corruption and how everybody is leaving the country for greener pasture. Then, I started telling him that Nigeria will still become a great nation to be proud of in the future. Surprisingly, he got angry and said “Nigeria can never be better, all hope is lost” I insisted it will. We argued for a while and he asked me a question, “Who will make Nigeria a great nation” I said “It’s me.” I added and you, you, you (pointing to people there). Everybody laughed at me and said you are a minority, you can’t change Nigeria, “you are not even a leader in politics” he added. Yet, it dawned on me that God is r...


For believers who wants to grow spiritually, prayer is not just an activity, it's a life. Against popular opinion prayer is not a tool we employ when we are in trouble, it’s a lifestyle that keep trouble out of your life permanently.  To live a victorious and ever-growing Christian life, prayer is an inevitable adventure. A man that is defeated in the  place of prayer cannot win in the game of life. Your success in life is proportional to your prayer life. Unfortunately, many believer see prayer as a wearisome and uninteresting adventure. So we hardly engage in it. For some, it has not deliver to them their expected dividends.  Could it be that you have wrongly approached it. Here are 5 SIMPLE BUT POWERFUL PRINCIPLES OF EFFECTIVE PRAYER that will help your spiritual growth   1.Prayer is a call to fellowship . Many pray only when they have a problem,have a request, or complaint.  No. PRAYER is a call to fellowship with the father. While there i...